

This tag is associated with 74 posts

Invading Defenseless Europe

Many years ago, I realized the prophecies of Nostradamus warned about a 21st century invasion of Europe from the Islamic world. He could not be more clear that the fighting in this future war would take place in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc… and that the invading armies slaughtering millions of Europeans would be from … Continue reading

Nostradamus – Random Gibberish or Meaningful Prophecy?

With a good background in European history, languages, and mythology, you have a chance at understanding some of Nostradamus’ prophecies – assuming he truly saw the future and there is something meaningful to interpret. He had to avoid the paradox that if he were too clear, others would act on his warnings and alter the … Continue reading

Turkey’s War Plans for Invading Greece, Cyprus, Armenia…

Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan has had plans for multiple, simultaneous invasions of neighboring Christian countries. These secret plans were revealed by accident, but they show Turkey’s role in a future war is less likely to be as an anti-Russian NATO ally, and more likely an ally of Iran and China in a war against the … Continue reading

Does Turkey’s Erdogan Want to Revive the Ottoman Empire?

I found a recent article at zerohedge.com titled: “Will Erdogan’s Turkey Recreate The Ottoman Empire?” which touches briefly on some of Erdogan’s expansionist policies, exerting influence in Syria, Libya, Cyprus, and other nations previously under Ottoman rule. The article didn’t mention Turkey’s recent military support for Azerbaijan in last year’s brief war with Armenia, and … Continue reading

Nostradamus Prophecies for 2021

Perhaps I should say: some people have written up their interpretations of Nostradamus prophecies suggesting there are actually specific predictions for 2021. In my opinion (and I’ve written a few books on Nostradamus prophecies and consider myself among the few experts that doesn’t warp and sensationalize what he wrote) France’s greatest seer did not write … Continue reading

Time For A New Islamic Caliphate?

What is a caliphate, you ask?  Wikipedia says: “A caliphate is an Islamic state under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of caliph.”  Russia Today says: “a caliphate is a state ‘dedicated to the cause of Islam, seeking to be a unifying and defending force for all Muslims. The word had received … Continue reading

Hagia Sophia Church now a Mosque under Turkey’s Islamic Dictatorship

This is a major sign of more to come. Read the excerpts from various articles below. “Greece and Turkey are once again at odds over the fate of one of Christendom’s largest and oldest churches, built under Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century, and surviving changing empires throughout history.  The Church of Hagia Sophia … Continue reading

Jaw-Dropping Evidence of Ancient Global Civilization? Jimmy Says Yes.

Jimmy from Youtube’s Bright Insight channel made a video on February 26 that was all about promoting how his next video would contain material that made his jaw drop.  “Textbooks have to be re-written” etc. Today, on March 2, he released his new video pointing out the many similarities spread throughout ancient cultures around the … Continue reading

War Crimes in Syria Didn’t Start Yesterday

Erdogan is not a good man – he may even be at the top of a short list of contenders to play the role of the biblical antichrist someday if he intensifies his activities…. But for all the Turkish war crimes and massacres of Kurds and other forces in Syria – this didn’t start yesterday.  … Continue reading

As Notre Dame Burned, Some in Middle East Celebrated the Destruction

There were reports of celebrations in the Middle East on September 11, 2001 – when those who hate America danced with joy at the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.  A few weeks ago similar responses were reported over the fire at Notre Dame.  As France does exactly what Nostradamus predicted, and through “apathy” … Continue reading

MAGOG and the Ezekiel War

Years ago when I was writing my book on the Antichrist, I emphasized several key points: many clues pointed to the Antichrist achieving great and sudden political power around June 2016 many clues point to America as the land of Mystery Babylon, and New York as its great city to be destroyed in one day … Continue reading

Gobekli Tepe: Does the “Vulture Stone” Depict a Cataclysm 13,000 years ago, and ANOTHER Due Approximately NOW?

Göbekli Tepe is a mountain sanctuary in southeastern Turkey, just north of Syria.  The site has been excavated by German archeologists since the 1990s and is conservatively dated to be at least 11,000 years old.  Possibly much older.  I suspect they co-existed with very ancient Egyptians at the time of the last POLE SHIFT almost … Continue reading

Pressure to Change US Middle East Policy

I found this at the counterjihadreport blog: Why Is Khashoggi Being Made The Defining Issue Of U.S. Foreign Policy? Excerpts below; FULL article at links above and below. “The alleged killing of Jamal Khashoggi reveals far more about the nature of the American press and political establishment than it does foreign policy. The Federalist, by … Continue reading

Did Saudi Arabia Order Brutal Killing Of Missing Dissident At Istanbul Consulate? Turkish Dictator Erdogan Thinks Yes

From the article at Zerohedge: “As we suggested on Saturday, the suspected extrajudicial torture, murder and dismemberment of a Washington Post columnist inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul is already straining tensions between Riyadh and Ankara. To wit, on Saturday, Turkish prosecutors officially launched an investigation into the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, according to Turkey’s official … Continue reading

Netherlands Prosecutes Its Own Citizen For Calling Turkish Dictator A “Goat F*cker”

I’m no fan of Turkey’s dictator, Recep Erdogan.  I love his quote: “Democracy is like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.”  Personally, I think he will tilt more and more towards his true beliefs – Islamic rule – and may eventually prove to be the Islamic Antichrist in WWIII. Maybe … Continue reading

Ron Paul Warns of Economic Collapse: Turkey Now, America Later

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-27/ron-paul-warns-turkey-now-america-later I have long said that economic collapse will precede WWIII and the fulfillment of end times Bible prophecy in our near future.  Ron Paul warns:   “Turkey’s combination of low interest rates, money creation, and massive government spending to “stimulate” the economy parallels the policies the US government has pursued for the past ten … Continue reading

Turkish Dictator Erdogan Warns of Coming “War Between the Cross and the Crescent”

Thank you counterjihadreport blog for: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked Austria’s impending closure of mosques and consequent expulsion of Turkish-funded imams, saying the move is anti-Islamic while promising a response. “These measures taken by the Austrian prime minister are, I fear, leading the world towards a war between the cross and the crescent,” Erdogan … Continue reading

Is Bible Prophecy Unfolding In The Middle East?

In End Times and 2019 I gave reasons to consider the possibility that a great deal of end times Bible prophecy could unfold by late December 2019. In Antichrist 2016-2019 I gave reasons for considering the possibility that the man who would become known as the Antichrist would gain more dictatorial power in the middle … Continue reading

The Coming Caliphate & Human Rights Under Islamic Sharia Law

I touched on some of these themes as described centuries ago by Nostradamus in: Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe and found this wonderful blog post: https://counterjihadreport.com/2018/06/05/the-coming-caliphate/ Understanding the Threat, by John Guandolo, 2018: “The Organisation (sic) of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting block in the United Nations and is comprised of … Continue reading

NATO’s Real Existential Threat: The Surrender Of Western Values

NATO may collapse as a “Western” civilization alliance because its members no longer have an identity they care about to defend, let alone a Western one where they felt the common bonds of a heritage that shared things like Roman law and Christian values.  Nostradamus prophecies on the early 21st century warned that France and … Continue reading

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POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

Evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend.

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus prophecies suggest Europe will suffer greatly before WWIII ends in 2028.

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