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biological weapons, China, genetics, War, WWIII

“How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars”

“World must prepare for biological weapons that target ethnic groups based on genetics, says Cambridge University” in a 2019 article.

From Zerohedge: On Nov. 10, 2017, the People’s Liberation Army newspaper published an article (pdf) titled “How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars,” saying that the 21st century has entered the era of genetic weapons. The military article emphasized the advantages of a genetic weapon: “Since a genetic weapon is a new virus ‘cut’ with a genetic code known only to the designer, it is difficult for the opposite to decipher and develop a new vaccine against it in time.”

….“As long as a breakthrough in the genetic code is found, it will be easy to transform them into ‘bio-atomic bombs’ with great destructive power to achieve military purposes without using a single soldier,” it said. In 2015, a Chinese military paper discussed the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses. Chinese military scientists predicted a third world war would be fought with bioweapons.

The Times published an investigative report on June 10, alleging that Wuhan scientists were involved in the creation, dissemination, and cover-up of the COVID-19  virus, in collaboration with the Chinese military. U.S. investigators believe the Chinese military intended to turn the COVID-19 virus into a biological weapon.

Chemically Synthesized Life

China’s leading genetic science company, BGI Genomics, which has been blacklisted by the U.S. government as a “Chinese military company operating in the United States,” asserted on its official website that it could provide a wide range of complete gene synthesis services, including artificially designed DNA sequences. In 2017, Wang Jian, co-founder and chairman of BGI, said at a business conference, “We can chemically synthesize any life in the next 5 to 10 years,” Chinese state media The Paper reported. As for chemically synthesized life, Wang Jian warned that it would spawn social, ethical, religious, philosophical, and legal problems.”

Oh joy, the Party is already synthesizing artificial life forms from weaponized viruses to genetically modified humans and clones. I’m sure many good things will come out of these technologies. Yes, it reminds me of the Treehouse of Horror episode of the Simpsons in which Bart has the power to manipulate reality and after a transformation of their cat Homer says: “It’s good you made that awful thing.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smrcoASLh5U&t=66s)

It may just be silly rumors that any already existing disease or response to said disease could be misused to eliminate a portion of the population in the near future…. but Chinese comments make it pretty clear that the potential to weaponize such things and design them as bio weapons to eliminate some segments of the population while protecting another portion is already here. It seems relevant that as far back as 1997 U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen mentioned ethnic bioweapons as a possiblility in future warfare, which Wikipedia describes as “An ethnic bioweapon (or a biogenetic weapon) is a hypothetical type of bioweapon which could preferentially target people of specific ethnicities or people with specific genotypes.”

Since Nostradamus warned in his prophecies that WWIII would be over by late 2028 and that the West would be defending itself from an alliance of Islamic nations and China, it’s interesting to see flash points like the Middle East, Taiwan, and Ukraine escalate towards fulfillment of the events described, and wonder which physical traits or ethnicities might be targeted by such Nazi-esque inventions.

About David Montaigne

Historian, investigator, and author of prophecy books like End Times and 2019, and Antichrist 2016-2019


6 thoughts on ““How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars”

  1. I’m rereading your superb “Pole Shift- Evidence will not be denied” for the 2nd time and I realized you have a blog. I’ve now read 7 pole-shift books and yours is easily the best because it presents overwhelming evidence cyclic pole-shifts are real. You also present a great deal of history and interesting commentary. The only weakness perhaps is not much detail on the mechanism (although you appear to favor an external cosmic trigger) and your 2019 prediction was thankfully wrong! I first started looking into pole-shifts in the first place because of this link below (the author has just published a book with the same title). He takes very seriously the idea the PTB are aware of an imminent pole-shift and the “Great Reset” by 2030 isn’t what most in the alt-media think.

    Like you, I’m skeptical of the Nibiru=Planet X narrative and I prefer your idea that “Nibiru” is really a constellation indicator of an imminent pole-shift. I also agree with you and the “phoenix” author the PTB don’t mind if a minority know this as long as the 99% are blissfully unaware.

    Posted by CK_ | August 27, 2023, 9:23 pm
    • I just spent about an hour reading many of their web pages. I can agree with a lot of it. I would love to see you post an Amazon review of my book assuming you bought it there.

      Posted by David Montaigne | August 27, 2023, 11:08 pm
      • Yes, I will review your book on amazon where I purchased it. It easily deserves 5-stars.

        Posted by CK_ | August 28, 2023, 12:17 pm
    • CK_,

      As you know, the Phoenix is the symbol of mankind’s cycle of rebirth (cf Samsara).

      You are pretty much on the button in your Phoenix Hypothesis. 🙂

      Nibiru is ‘the planet of the crossing’, and is currently about 3,000AU away. This is gravitationally indicated, and named as Planet X. However, it doesn’t come barrelling through our solar system. Indeed, the closest it gets is 1,000AU (in 12,000 years).

      The cyclic cataclysm is caused as a consequence of The Sun’s orbit with Planet X, because The Earth is moved above and below the galactic plane, and experiences a change in polarity of external magnetic field – flipping N & S – twice per orbit, i.e. every 12,000 years.

      If you’re interested in the pyramids then check out The Floating Coffer Theory.

      Posted by Zod | August 28, 2023, 10:40 pm
      • Thanks for the info- will check out the FC theory. Just to clarify, although I share the same initials (“CK”), I’m not the author of the PH. I did recently contact the author, though, via the email on his blog.

        Posted by CK_ | August 29, 2023, 4:43 pm
  2. Well, the last Bond, No Time to Die, was about it. Funny that the bad guy was named “Lucifer” and resided in the garden…

    Posted by Julian The Apostate | August 29, 2023, 7:00 am

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