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Bible prophecy, end times, Four Horsemen, Islamic Antichrist, Nostradamus, Revelation, Steve Cioccolanti, WWIII

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Explains His End Times Timeline

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains the end of the first 3-1/2 year period that began in late December 2019 (ending now in mid 2023) and how and when the remaining time periods play out in his timeline. In End Times and 2019 I was obviously wrong about WHAT would happen in the critical week from December 21-28 in 2019, but at least I nailed the timing for an important end times event. More important now is Pastor Steve Cioccolanti’s version of the four horsemen and when he expects the END, after an apocalyptic war with Islam that reminds me of Nostradamus prophecies on the subject of WWIII.

About David Montaigne

Historian, investigator, and author of prophecy books like End Times and 2019, and Antichrist 2016-2019


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Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

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