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Antichrist, Bible prophecy, Obama, prophecy

The Mighty Pharaoh

Aside from the possibility that Obama is fulfilling Bible prophecy as we speak, this article sums it up pretty well. If interested in the evidence from a prophetic angle – read

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

PA Pundits International

yak3A Dry Bones Cartoon ~

Whenever I criticize President Obama, I am attacked by folks who accuse me of being an anti-black racist. So here is a piece by Mychal Massie, a black American who ALSO gets attacked for not “liking” the Obamas. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS. Massie writes:D15406_1

The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn’t like the Obamas. Specifically I was asked: “I have to ask, why do you hate the Obamas? It seems personal, not policy related. You even dissed (disrespect) their Christmas family picture.”The truth is I do not like the Obamas, what they represent, their ideology, and I certainly do not like his policies and legislation. I’ve made no secret of my contempt for the Obamas. As I responded to the person who asked me the aforementioned question, I don’t like them because they…

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About David Montaigne

Historian, investigator, and author of prophecy books like End Times and 2019, and Antichrist 2016-2019


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Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

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