

This tag is associated with 213 posts

French Traitor President Macron Loses in Landslide to Le Pen’s Right Wing

Who would have thought the French people would ever get sick of policies like: Unlimited immigration from Africa and the Middle East turning much of France into crime ridden “no-go” zones where even firefighters and police dare not enter: “A police officer, Noam Anouar, who infiltrated Islamist circles… stated that no-go zones in France are … Continue reading

Does The Death of Iran’s President Increase the Odds of War?

Iran’s president – along with the minister of defense and other top officials – were killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday. Despite initial fears of assassination, it seems like an unfortunate accident – sudden onset of storms during the flight over mountains with a thick fog that led to the crash. Accident or not, … Continue reading

April 12 – Rumor China/Taiwan War Starts WWIII

The war in Ukraine could have started anytime after 2014. Wars in the Middle East are always brewing, or active. But a war over Taiwan has some interesting restrictions that may determine WHEN an invasion will occur, and therefore when regional wars expand into WWIII (which Nostradamus predicted would be OVER by late 2028) Consider … Continue reading

Former Russian President Medvedev’s Map of Future Tiny Ukraine Should Scare Zelensky

Russia’s former President Medvedev sees a future in which Ukraine is little more than metropolitan Kiev, in which Ukraine’s west is given back to Poland and the eastern and southern majority of the nation becomes part of Russia again Russia’s Medvedev says ‘Ukraine is Russia’ and historical territory needs to ‘come home’ Whether you think … Continue reading

Civil War: The Movie – Just Entertainment?

I see recent headlines like: Texas National Guard Is Ordered To “Hold The Line” Against Federal Agents and Rulers Send Troops To Texas Amid “Civil War” Fears and I wonder, with all the unpopular nonsense government does to make the majority of citizens think they’re insane, or evil, or plotting the demise of the United … Continue reading

Is WWIII Imminent? Check Recent Headlines

Nostradamus prophecies aren’t recent news, but the French prophet did predict a 27-year period of escalation from 9/11/2001 to roughly late 2028 – when WWIII would be over.  If WWIII is finished around 4 to 5 years from now, that suggests it starts soon – or that history may look back at 2024 and say … Continue reading

World Leaders Are Warning WWIII Is Very Close

x from the article “All Of A Sudden, Leaders All Over The World Are Warning That World War III Is Very Close” “This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.  Prominent leaders all over the globe are starting to publicly acknowledge that World War III is coming.  In many cases, they … Continue reading

Invading Defenseless Europe

Many years ago, I realized the prophecies of Nostradamus warned about a 21st century invasion of Europe from the Islamic world. He could not be more clear that the fighting in this future war would take place in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc… and that the invading armies slaughtering millions of Europeans would be from … Continue reading

Egypt’s Former Grand Mufti Says: WWIII is Imminent and Jesus Will Intervene to Help Islam

Of course I have my own views on how WWIII is likely to unfold and involve the Middle East, Russia, Europe, and America… Not to mention another theater of war in Asia…. But I found this interesting article at Dean Smith’s opentheword.org blog – Egyptian Sheikh states the Israel conflict will ignite the Gog Magog … Continue reading

How War Could Spread to Europe

For decades I’ve been pointing out the likelihood of WWIII starting with Islamic attacks against Israel, then the West. I realize not everyone puts faith in prophecy but biblical prophecy indicates the same thing – And what did John see the enemies of Christianity wearing on their hands or foreheads in his vision of the … Continue reading

Remember Remember the 5th of November

“We will give them a fifth of November they will never, ever forget.” Anonymous chose the Guy Fawkes mask we know from V for Vendetta for a reason. Those in power like to focus on the psychological value of significant dates. We can’t rule out that something treasonous would be allowed to happen on November … Continue reading

A Time for War

Some have suggested that in response to Hamas’ terroristic massacre of October 7, Israel needs to retaliate so severely that Hamas (and the Palestinians that allow them to act) will never want to suffer such retaliation again. Netanyahu recently said while declaring the invasion of Gaza: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, … Continue reading

Every Signal Indicates That War With Hezbollah Is About To Start As Iran Raises The Black Flag

Is a much larger war about to engulf the Middle East? Will it escalate into WWIII? Michael Snyder recently wrote (at the Economic Collapse blog) Every Signal Indicates That War With Hezbollah Is About To Start As Iran Raises The Black Flag “All of the signs are telling us that a war between Israel and … Continue reading

Did Nostradamus write anything about the Hamas/Israel conflict that started last weekend?

x In response to a recent question on Reddit.com I wrote: Nostradamus had about a thousand prophecies and about sixty of them describe an upcoming third world war which he saw as a battle between Islam and Christianity. If you take his descriptions seriously, Israel will suffer greatly – “miserable and sad her wings will … Continue reading

Nostradamus Warned WWIII Spreads From Middle East to Southern and Central Europe

There is nothing new about Nostradamus prophecies from the mid 1500s, and for almost 500 years they have warned us about WWIII in Europe in the early 21st century. He described 27 years of gradually worsening conditions starting just after the turn of the millennium, but prior to an astronomical configuration that took place in … Continue reading

“How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars”

“World must prepare for biological weapons that target ethnic groups based on genetics, says Cambridge University” in a 2019 article. From Zerohedge: On Nov. 10, 2017, the People’s Liberation Army newspaper published an article (pdf) titled “How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars,” saying that the 21st century has entered the era of genetic weapons. The military … Continue reading

Delores Cannon and Nostradamus

My first reaction is that Cannon sounds nutty to claim she had, as her book title says, “Conversations with Nostradamus.” A patient she was regressing into a potential past life experience was – unexpectedly – a student of the French prophet. I’m skeptical when I hear that. But the book has very high customer review … Continue reading

Nostradamus – Random Gibberish or Meaningful Prophecy?

With a good background in European history, languages, and mythology, you have a chance at understanding some of Nostradamus’ prophecies – assuming he truly saw the future and there is something meaningful to interpret. He had to avoid the paradox that if he were too clear, others would act on his warnings and alter the … Continue reading

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Explains His End Times Timeline

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains the end of the first 3-1/2 year period that began in late December 2019 (ending now in mid 2023) and how and when the remaining time periods play out in his timeline. In End Times and 2019 I was obviously wrong about WHAT would happen in the critical week from December … Continue reading

What is More Likely Next for Russia? Coup, Civil War, or WWIII?

Yesterday’s short-lived attempt at a coup against Putin has already fizzled out, but there’s interesting commentary still flowing. Less than 24 hours ago: “Former Russian president and Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev is urging the population to rally around Vladimir Putin at this difficult moment the country is facing armed rebellion and an apparent … Continue reading

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POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

Evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend.

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Nostradamus prophecies suggest Europe will suffer greatly before WWIII ends in 2028.

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