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Hapgood, magnetic reversal, Pole Shift, Vogt

Doug Vogt’s Recent Video on Pole Shifts and Charles Hapgood’s C.I.A. Background

Doug Vogt is a highly intelligent researcher and I’ve had many conversations with him. A fan of my pole shift book and a good friend alerted me to this video about Charles Hapgood as soon as it came out – a video which covers many topics of interest. It also hints at an upcoming video about Chan Thomas – the focus of a book I’ll eventually publish. I even talked to Doug once about the possibility of writing a foreword to it….

Keep Doug’s thoughts in mind as we watch for changes in the Earth and the sun in the coming years:

About David Montaigne

Historian, investigator, and author of prophecy books like End Times and 2019, and Antichrist 2016-2019


2 thoughts on “Doug Vogt’s Recent Video on Pole Shifts and Charles Hapgood’s C.I.A. Background

  1. Hope to read that book one day! Keep up the good work

    Posted by apothecary58 | June 9, 2023, 12:34 am
  2. Not quite as tedious as Maverick star, but almost.

    Vogt is missing key factors:
    1) 12k periodicity from equinoctial precession (and the full understanding thereof).
    2) The considerable force necessary to induce CD (crustal displacement) – well beyond ice cap weight.
    3) That just as meteoric impact cannot be cyclic (able to consistently induce CD), so there is no explanation for 12k micronova, and no way that this can induce CD.
    4) Velikovsky indicates the Sun rising on the opposite horizon, but Vogt comes up with a bizarre explanation for this that involves the Earth coming to a stop over a period of ever longer years (7?), thereafter resuming rotation in the opposite direction. And how does the pole shift occur in all this gentleness? A coincident micronova?

    So, even if Vogt correctly observes that Charles Hapgood & Chan Thomas are wrong (and probably disinfo agents), Vogt is similarly barking up the wrong tree. Is he a disinfo agent too?

    Posted by Zod YinYang | June 9, 2023, 8:37 am

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